Tinley Park Campus Community Resources for Current Students DeVry

Visit DeVry Universitys Tinley Park Campus Community site for information regarding current student services, campus activities, more.


This domain tp.devry.edu currently has a traffic classification of zero (the lower the more traffic). We have sifted sixteen pages within the domain tp.devry.edu and found seven websites interfacing with tp.devry.edu. We were able to unearth four mass media sites owned by this website.
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This domain tp.devry.edu has seen fluctuating quantities of traffic all round the year.
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Desktop Screenshot of tp.devry.edu Mobile Screenshot of tp.devry.edu Tablet Screenshot of tp.devry.edu


I identified that a lone root page on tp.devry.edu took one hundred and eighty-four milliseconds to load. I could not detect a SSL certificate, so our parsers consider tp.devry.edu not secure.
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0.184 seconds
Internet Address


I observed that this domain is operating the Apache/2.2.11 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.11 OpenSSL/0.9.8i DAV/2 PHP/5.2.14 mod_perl/2.0.4 Perl/v5.10.0 os.


Tinley Park Campus Community Resources for Current Students DeVry


Visit DeVry Universitys Tinley Park Campus Community site for information regarding current student services, campus activities, more.


This domain tp.devry.edu had the following in the web site, "Faculty and Staff Online Resources." Our analyzers analyzed that the webpage stated " Log In to MyDeVry Portal." The Website also stated " DeVrys Tinley Park Campus Community. This website has been created specifically for our students, faculty and staff members. Here you can find information about student services. Available at DeVry Tinley Park, including assistance with part-time employment and online access to your student account as well as access to extensive library. And click SIREN to update your profile. Aspire - Student Assistance Program."


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